FAA Test Hazard Analysis

FAR No.:


FAR Title:


Risk Level:


Maneuver Title:

OEI Takeoff

Maneuver Description:

See AC 25-7A Section 2 Para 10 b


1. Aircraft departs runway/Inadvertent ground contact.


1. 1. Loss of directional control.
2. Inability to climb.
3. Over rotation/stall on takeoff.
4. OEI operation.
5. Flight control failure on takeoff.


1.1 1. All testing to be conducted on hard surfaced, dry runway under day VFR conditions.
2. Minimum runway length and width must be established.
3. Crash and rescue crews to be briefed on conduct of the tests, aircraft familiarization and rescue procedures. Equipment and crews to be positioned a minimum of 400 feet from the runway centerline.
4. Minimum essential flight crew on board.
5. Flight crew will wear protective clothing and helmets.
6. Wind speed must be 5 knots or less from any direction except no tail wind is permitted.
7. Inspect tires, struts and brakes prior to test. Service to recommended limits.
8. Initial engine cuts to idle.
9. Minimum control speed evaluation completed prior to start of testing.
10. Determine climb capability prior to each fuel cut takeoff.
11. Consider selecting reduced flap setting if climb cannot be achieved after fuel cut.
12. Consider terrain clearance when determining climb capability.
13. Perform an idle cut takeoff prior to each fuel cut with thrust for minimum climb gradient.
14. Test sequence should be from high to low thrust condition.
15. Engine IGN on.
16. Review AFM Engine Failure procedures.
17. APU on.
18. Experimental Tail Bumper and Proximity Warning must be operational.
19. Shaker and pusher angles validated prior to testing.
20. Critical FTI parameters monitored by telelemtry and displayed to flight crew.

Warning: It is imperative that this information be applied by a knowledgeable flight test professional given the inherently hazardous nature of these activities. This data is general and all items may not apply. Application may require additional research to understanding the safe approach and mitigation sequence for a specific flight test situation.

* FAA Note: The maneuver information described in this database is for reference only. Consult Title 14 CFR for actual FAR requirements.